5 May 2015

A place called home - PJ Harvey

A place called home - PJ Harvey
Today I left Barcelona and came back. I'm specifically not saying back home because in all likelihood I'm gonna be moving again from here on Friday, back home, two weeks on transfer and then who-knows-where. Not that I was feeling particularly at home here in the residence where I spent the last month and a half, but after almost two months of running from one B&B to the next, it came as close to being a home as could be in this time of my life. It's peculiar, because in these last few days I spent in Barcelona I really felt at home, a local more than a tourist. Getting to the music: this song means the world to me, it's one of my overall favourite songs and the only one whose lyrics  ever considered tattooing (the idea came back to me strongly today). Now more than ever I need and would love to have a place called home, both literally and metaphorically. I hope things are going to settle soon, in the meanwhile I'll keep on running around Veneto until the right time comes (which I hope is going to happen before the summer!!) and be waiting for the one day when there'll be a place for us. A place called home.

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