28 May 2015

La signora del quinto piano - Carmen Consoli

La signora del quinto piano - Carmen Consoli
You know I don't often post Italian (or any non-English, for that matter) music, but sometimes I really feel the need to, especially when I think it's really valuable. Carmen is one of my favourite Italian singer/songwriters and actually one of the few I listen to. She has also toured abroad and is somehow known abroad too, especially in the East Coast. Anyway, she recently released her latest album, her first in 5 years, and even if I didn't have that high an expectation about it, I must confess it really is a great work! In many songs she went back to the sound of her previous works, the lyrics are (as usual) very deep and meaningful, whipping but not too nerdy. This song in particular has struck me, and I just found out today that she is going to re-record it with Elisa, Gianna Nannini and other famous Italian singers in favour of a campaign against violence on women. The song lyrics are very peculiar and deliver an important message in a funny way, as only her can: the lady living on the 5th floor (i.e. la signora del quinto piano) is living with a piton in her home to defend herself from her ex-husband that keeps showing up in front of the building with a hammer. After she went to the police to report the fact, they told her there's no reason to be scared. In the next verse we find out the piton as escaped after eating the Chihuahua dog of the doorwoman and 3 weeks after the escape they find out that the lady has been buried alive in the bathroom wall, but the police-men still repeat that there's no reason to be scared...!

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